Thoughts on Linux and Statistical Computing

UNIX is playing an increasingly important role in statistical computing. Not only can proficiency with UNIX make anyone a more effective and efficient statistician, such proficiency is becoming an expectation in some areas. In the first part of the talk, we will discuss how UNIX can make your life much easier, and also provide introductions to some powerful tools you could put into use immediately (minimal learning curve).

Lexical Scoping in R

Lexical Scoping is a feature in R, where the definition of any variable or function is first sought to be located in the place where it is called, if not found there, the language undertakes a hierarchical search for the symbol’s definition in the each enveloping environment starting from the most immediate, and ending with the global environment.

How To Make Your Code Faster

Computing and programming is now becoming an indispensable part of statistical research, however we often run into a situation that the computation time is intolerably long for simulation studies. There are many factors that may influence the efficiency of the code, for instance the algorithm for computing, the tools/packages you use, and also the programming languages.