UNIX is playing an increasingly important role in statistical computing. Not only can proficiency with UNIX make anyone a more effective and efficient statistician, such proficiency is becoming an expectation in some areas. In the first part of the talk, we will discuss how UNIX can make your life much easier, and also provide introductions to some powerful tools you could put into use immediately (minimal learning curve).

Next, many of you may be considering getting a UNIX-based system on your personal machine (especially after first part of the talk); this is a more elegant and powerful solution than only SSH’ing into the department servers. In particular, we will focus on using Linux on your personal machine, since it provides a (much) cheaper and in many ways better solution than buying a Macintosh*. We will have an informational discussion to help you decide if you should make the switch and provide some installation guidance. Ryan recently made the switch and can discuss his experience in a way that is relatable to people who don’t have much experience.

*Linux naysayers are welcome. In fact, I think a discussion among attendees would be more valuable than just one person presenting.

Seminar Information

  • Speaker: Ryan Murphy
  • Date: Thursday, February 25, 2016
  • Time: 4:30 pm - 5:20 pm
  • Location: Math Library Lounge


Slides can be downloaded here.